
Executive Committee

The IBOAI Executive Committee exercises the powers and authority of the Board in the management of the business of the Association. The Executive Committee has the authority, by majority vote, to:

• Appoint committees and make committee assignments, including committee chairpersons and vice chairpersons.


Awards & Recognition Committee

The IBOAI Awards & Recognition Committee is tasked with the following responsibilities:

• Receives and considers any proposed changes or new concepts related to Amway IBO awards and recognition programs.


Business Operations Committee

The IBOAI Business Operations Committee is tasked with the following responsibilities:

• Receives and considers any proposed changes or new concepts related to Amway’s new product programs, distribution methods, communication technology, and similar matters affecting the operation of an IBO’s Business.


Governance & Oversight

The Governance & Oversight Committee acts as an advisor to the Board and to the members of the Executive Committee. Governance & Oversight is responsible for:

• Serving as an audit committee.


Hearing & Disputes

Through Rule 11 of the Rules of Conduct, the Hearing & Disputes Committee provides all IBOs with an opportunity to resolve disputes with the assistance and guidance of the Hearing Panel Chairman and/or a Mediator, and Hearing Panel Members. The Mediation process comprises two stages – Facilitative Mediation and Hearing Panel, both of which are non-binding. Rule 11.4.1 Facilitative Mediation / Rule 11.4.2 Hearing Panel.