Jim Puryear

Board Member
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Jim Puryear and his wife, Bobbi, have been IBOs for over 34 years and they’re proud of the family business they helped build. Jim says, “Mentored by some of the best IBO Leaders, including my father Ron Puryear, I have learned the power of a strong work ethic and steadfast service to others in growing a business. I was taught success is a lifetime endeavor – it’s not just what you have but how you serve others that makes a person successful.”

Jim is confident his education, team-building skills, and 34 years of experience in the Business is beneficial to the Board. He does not shy away from getting involved, coaching others, and working hard. Jim will embrace the commitment to keeping the Business the best it can be for future generations.

Jim grew up in the Business; “My parents started our family’s business in 1971 when I was 5 years old. I have spent my entire life watching it, learning it, building it, defending it, caring for it. In serving on the Board, I continue to do so.”