Hello IBO Friends!
The kick start to our 2024-25 fiscal year has begun and is in full swing. Congratulations to all the new pins and those who qualified for Achievers 2024 in Orlando, Florida. We are looking forward to seeing you all and having an incredible time.
Registrations are up, and we are excited to say Amway’s Strong Start Plan is empowering IBOs to earn extra income. We would like to offer special thanks to Amway and the IBOAI Awards and Recognition Committee for the development and rapid implementation of this Program Incentive. We truly believe this is a great win for all of us.
This year’s IBOAI Election results are in. Platinum participation in the voting process was at an all-time high. Your voices are critical. T.E.A.M Together, Everyone Achieves More! Thank you! Let’s give a special “Shout out” to the five newly elected Board members who will be representing all of you. David Coley, David Dussault, Maribelle Galan, Namdeuk Kim and Doyle Yager. Dave, Maribelle and Doyle have previously served as IBOAI Board members. Congratulations to each of you. The Board is looking forward to working with you.
In September, the new Platinum Conference took place in Grand Rapids where Platinums were able to visit the Amway Corporation as well as the IBOAI offices. Thank you to Vice Chairman Howie Danzik, Sandy Chapman, Ana Nichols, and Josh Hettinga for taking the time to spend with the new Platinums. Their passion in helping the new Platinums understand the IBOAI’s history and mission, as well as the importance of the IBOAI’s working relationship with Amway is of significant importance.
October 2024 IBOAI Board meetings were held. Throughout the week, the various committee members worked with the Amway staff and were able to come up with some great recommendations. We concluded the week with award presentations. It was a productive week!
We are looking forward to Achievers and the holiday season. Keep up the great work and let’s all make this year one of the best years yet. North America is on the move and it’s all because of you.
I look forward to seeing you soon! God Bless you all.
Best Regards,

Vinny Pappalardo
Chairman, IBOAI Board