New Platinum Conference - July 2023

July 11, 2023

New Platinums Tour IBOAI Offices on Conference Arrival Day, July 11, 2023

Arrival at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan on July 11, 2023 was incredibly exciting for New Platinums attending their first official Amway-sponsored IBO event. Having achieved their first major milestone in the Business, New Platinums are eager to learn more about building a successful, sustainable Business as well as visit the Amway Corporation. Following registration, many of the IBOs toured the IBOAI offices.

Throughout the afternoon, Platinums were warmly greeted by IBOAI staff who walked them through the IBOAI office, explaining the origin, purpose, and structure of the Association – and how they work for the benefit of all IBOs. New Platinums were thrilled to meet Howie Danzik, the current IBOAI Vice Chairman, who flew in especially to meet and chat with the emerging Leaders. Sandy Chapman, IBOAI Executive Director, and several key Amway executives who work directly with the IBOAI Board were also present to elaborate on how the Corporation and Board collaborate on everything from rules and recognition to products and programs. Scott Eiklenborg of Ohio said, “I had a good idea from other IBOs who have previously visited here as to what the place looked like, but walking into the IBOAI offices in person is an awesome feeling. It was great to interact with the IBOAI and Corporate staff.”

Akash Animesh and Suprita Singh of Pennsylvania described touring the IBOAI Boardrooms as “mind-blowing”. Akash said, “We love the products, love the Business. Don’t think there’s another business founded on such strong principles.” Suprita added, “After learning about the IBOAI committees here and what they do, we realize a lot of work goes into creating the products, packaging, and programs. We are so blessed to be in this Business.”

Bursting with enthusiasm, Odney Georges and Esther Zamos from Haiti both commented during the tour, “Everyone – the IBOAI and the Corporation– are doing so much to help us be successful.” Odney said, “This is something I can do for the rest of my life and it’s helping others.” According to Esther, “Everyone in Haiti loves Glister™ toothpaste, including me.” Odney also reported his favorites are Glister™, XS™ Energy Drinks and Double X™ Multivitamin.

Platinums’ Rupal and Bhavin Gandecha of New Jersey came fully equipped to take photos and videos while touring the IBOAI offices. After a few minutes of conversation, they revealed they had been asked to present on their NPC experience at their upline’s event later this year. The Gandecha’s expressed how proud they were to be at NPC and to present on it at their upline’s event.

Jevon and Tara Gandwe from Pennsylvania agreed the IBOAI offices were grander than they imagined. “When you’re in the boardroom, you can sense that it’s a special place where big decisions are made,” said Jevon. “This Business has positively impacted every aspect of our lives.”

Former vintage Amway products and packaging are displayed in the halls and meeting rooms of the Association offices – L.O.C. ™, SA8™, Mint Condition™, and many, many more. Every visitor was quick to comment and take photos. Some shared personal stories of family and friends who had used and loved the products, “way back when.”

As the New Platinums exited the offices, they were given a goody bag packed with supplies for their busy week ahead – XS™ Energy Drink and Perfect Empowered Drinking Water® as well as a pen and blank journal bearing the IBOAI logo.